The antidote to forgetfulness.

2,600yrs old

People ask what mindfulness is.
The more contemporary or the more popular answer is 'Being in the present - Being in the NOW'
No one is told exactly how this can be achieved.
A fundamental aspect of mindfulness meditation is this notion of "Remembrance"
This refers to the use of memory as an aide to increasing mindfulness
The opposite of mindfulness is forgetfulness AND our forgetfulness is due to our well entrenched mental habits.
We are not psychologically equipped to be in the present and mindful without the aid of memory.
Distraction can be equated with forgetfulness and mindfulness can be equated with remembrance - Remembrance is the literal translation of the English term for mindfulness
Forgetfulness leads to distraction and distraction leads to a loss of attentiveness.
Sometimes this point is lost in the contemporary climate of mindfulness practice.
If we appreciate the role of remembrance in this context, we will be able to appreciate how to practice mindfulness by keeping forgetfulness at bay.
Mindfulness is one of four topics taught at the Institute.


Compassion in the workplace.

