Death-Dying-Fear & Wellbeing
The fear of death is all pervasive. It is something that we all will experience and have to confront sooner or later. Denying it, trying not to think about it does not make it go away. There are some that are so fearful of death, that death becomes a neurotic preoccupation.
The available literature on death and dying has been increasing, but people are handling death less and less. This seems to be the irony of the whole situation, there is a fundamental ambivalence about death for the contemporary person.
People seem to have less experience of death in terms of actually handling people who are dying or actually witnessing death.
How does one accept death and not view it as something ugly and menacing that robs us of life.
The aim is not to conquer death but to accept death and to familiarize ourselves with our sense of mortality and impermanence.
Join us at the "Insight to Wellbeing Initiative" where Death and wellbeing come together through the narrative of Fear.
#workculturematters #wellbeingatwork #deathanddying#meditation #anxiety #corporateculture #corporatehealth